

学生 often want to know how to help a friend who is in a bad relationship, 饮食失调, 感觉沮丧, 焦虑, or is otherwise seriously overwhelmed 和 stressed. Here are some general guidelines with tips about what to do—和 not do—if you have a friend you’re worried about.

Guiding Principles for Helping a Friend


There are so many relevant sayings about self-care here; you can’t pour from an empty vessel, 先戴上氧气面罩, 等. The bottom line: if you feel a friend needs support, check in with yourself to see what you are capable of doing. 你的 只有 responsibility is to navigate these conversations with compassion for both yourself 和 your friend. If supporting someone else is leading you to neglect your own responsibilities in favor of the other person’s, you’re disrespecting your friend’s autonomy (see below) 和 you’re ab和oning your own obligations, it may be time to draw a boundary. You are absolutely allowed to tell your friend, “I can’t help you with this anymore.” Protecting your own energy is a legitimate, healthy 和 positive choice.


最恭敬的, responsible thing you can do is to create space for your friend to make their own decisions. 想要加入, make decisions 和 be directive is a common instinct in folks who want to help their friends. However, this often takes away the autonomy of the person you’re trying to help. 你的 role is to be their friend, not a clinician.

Listen for underst和ing, not persuasion

No matter how much sense you make, how sure you are about what a friend should do, 和 how clearly 和 articulately you express your opinion—attempting to persuade a friend to do things your way disrespects their autonomy. When you’re sitting with someone, try to focus on really hearing what they’re saying rather than formulating a response. Reflect back to them what they say 和 make sure you really underst和 what they’re experiencing. A strategy for doing this is to avoid the word “但.而不是“你想感觉好点。 you don’t want to take medication,” which closes a door; instead, try “You want to feel better you don't want to take medication,” which opens the door to what they might want to do.


A major thing to keep in mind when trying to help a friend, is that change is incremental. 例如, just because you have one conversation with someone about their drinking problem, doesn’t mean that they’re going to stop drinking altogether or seek help then 和 there. Respect your friend enough to allow them to change at their own pace 和 in their own way. If you feel their process is negatively impacting you, it may be time to think about your boundaries in the relationship or seek support for yourself.


班级主任, 区域协调员, 你的HR或HP, the associate director for wellness, a nurse—there are lots of people on campus you can go to if you’re worried about a friend, especially if the situation involves any physical risk (abuse, 自杀, 等). The person you tell might not—indeed, probably won’t—be able to do something immediately to change the situation, 但 being aware of such circumstances can help others support your friend. We can show you available resources 和 provide steps 和 strategies you can take if the situation gets more serious.


  • Prioritize your self-care 和 well-being.
  • Be the kind of friend that you have the capacity to be; emphasis on being a friend, 不是咨询师或医生.
  • Be a role model for positive choices—in your relationships, 饮食和身体形象, 在你的压力管理中.
  • 避免“肥胖”的谈话, criticism of other people’s bodies (or your own), 或者关于卡路里的对话.
  • Listen, listen, listen, without trying to persuade.

Reaching Out for Additional Support

Content note: This section includes a brief discussion of suicidality

 有时, supporting a friend can start to cross a line—at a certain point, you may need to get professional help involved.

Some signs that it might be time to bring in additional support include:

  • A friend has expressed that they have a plan to hurt themself or someone else.
  • You feel like you are the 只有 one who can help someone.
  • The relationship or support you are giving to another person is negatively impacting your life, including your ability to take care of yourself, your other relationships 和 your work/academic life.
  • If you feel like someone is issuing ultimatums about the way you spend time with them.
  • You find yourself feeling resentful or angry at this friend.


Some places you can go for additional support:

  • 你的 区域总监
  • A Schacht Center staff member in Counseling, 健康 or Medical
  • 学术顾问
  • 宗教办公室 & 精神生活
  • Smith after-hours mental health support at 413-585-2800
  • TELUS健康应用程序支持