


Anonymous and peer-led, a harm reduction effort on campus aims to help those who need it most

Cailin Young prepares a harm reduction bag in the Schacht Center

Liliana Hetherman ' 25拍摄

作者:rachael hanley hagerstrom ' 02


Cailin Young ‘24 quickly moves around the interns’ work room in the Schacht Center, 收集物资. 她抓起一把避孕套和润滑油, 口罩和尼古丁口香糖, 试纸和纳洛酮的剂量, 以及英语和西班牙语的小型说明书. She pokes through piles of colorful rubber bands and fidget toys, adds a few sour candies. 

“Our next bag is a nicotine cessation and a self-harm and the COVID,她说。, 拿出一个袋子,把东西装满, 所有这些都旨在以独特的方式减少伤害. “每个人都有点不同.” 

Then she clicks through a spreadsheet on the interns’ shared desktop and begins again. 

装棕色小纸袋的卑微工作, 用独特的代码标记,摆放在台面上, is part of a revolutionary effort by student 社区 健康 Organizers (CHOs), 由杨带头, to support students on campus who need it the most: 学生 dealing with addictions; students who need supplies for safe sex but can’t afford them; those who are struggling with 虽然ts of self-harm. 

的努力, 它于去年秋天推出,并在过去一年中不断发展, 已经证明是非常成功的, 自从该服务开始以来,大约有300个请求. All aspects are student-run, by design, to help mitigate any fears of those requesting the services. 

“It really does just come back to the basic principle of trying to support people in living their best lives,杨说。. “不管那看起来像什么.” 

Harm reduction bag and items to fill it including Narcan, candies and fidget toys

Liliana Hetherman ' 25拍摄

Addressing needs in a preventive way—so that help for addiction is as routine and free of stigma as wearing a car seatbelt, 例如,在很小的时候就被编入了Young. 热情友好, 抱满了手镯, Young has the ability to seamlessly recall a wide range of opioid addiction statistics, such as how rates of opioid-related deaths in New England are more than two times the national average. 她把这归功于父母, 尤其是她的母亲, 一个护士, with teaching her about the “public duty to the world to be a good person and to care for people.” 

杨开始上高中, 她回忆说, her mother supplied her with doses of Naloxone and training on how to use them. Young began routinely carrying the emergency 喷鼻剂 in her bags, switching them between backpack and purse along with her lipgloss and keys. 直到上大学, 虽然, 还去了一所校外公寓, 她给了一剂药. 

“这是一个我没有预料到的情况,”杨说. “I was at a friend’s house and one of her roommates ended up overdosing unexpectedly. 我们当时都不知道他在吸毒.” 

室友康复了, but the moment drove home to Young how important immediate access to Naloxone could be when it came to an emergency situation. 

正是在这样的背景下,杨, a psychology major and Russian studies minor with a concentration in community engagement, 作为指挥官加入了沙赫特. She began working with her peers on two parallel efforts: Installing NaloxBox stations across campus (which was successfully completed over the spring with 六个校园盒子 and training for over 500 students) and creating a program where students could make anonymous requests for help. 

对于年轻的, creating new avenues for harm reduction was an obvious opportunity—a chance to mitigate risk in the lives of other students. “每个人都使用减少伤害的方法,”她说. “我们穿鞋, 我们接种了疫苗, 我们系安全带, we use sunscreen… Those are a set of principles that you can apply to anything, 这反映在我们的包里.”

Cailin Young ‘24 prepares a harm reduction bag in the Schacht Center, holding up Narcan and smiling

Liliana Hetherman ' 25拍摄

这个手袋计划始于去年秋季,当时推出了四款产品, all designed around community needs and evidence-based practices: A nicotine harm reduction kit (nicotine gum, QR codes to resources on quitting or modifying nicotine intake); opioid harm prevention kit (fentanyl test strips, 两剂纳洛酮,还有如何使用的信息, and an online video training requirement); a safer sex bag (condoms, 牙科大坝, 手套, and an informational sheet); and a self-harm reduction bag (sour, 热, 或者跳跳糖, 各种各样的烦躁玩具, 临时的纹身, 期刊, 和草稿画板). 

基于社区反馈,包括管家的要求, who were worried about encountering items like razors or tattoo needles in the trash—the offerings expanded to include a small red sharps disposal container and a COVID harm reduction kit (mask, 喷鼻剂, 一个测试, 手套). Depending on their contents, each bag in the program costs anywhere from $2 to $20 to create. 

While most of the funding for the bags comes from Smith’s 健康 Department budget, the Narcan is funded through a grant by the state Department of 健康’s 社区纳洛酮计划(CNP); fentanyl test strips are provided for free by the DPH’s 马萨诸塞州健康促进信息中心; and the NaloxBoxes were supplied by 汉普郡的希望, a Hampshire County coalition focused on drug recovery and harm reduction. 

The bags, and their contents, can be mixed and matched as much as needed. 学生们通过匿名的谷歌表格输入请求, 添加特定的, 唯一的代码(只有他们知道)来识别他们的包, 而杨或其他首席指挥官会满足这些要求. Completed bags are left at a table on the first floor of Schacht, 靠近一个安静的楼梯井和中心的失物招领处. 

这个位置是故意的, 指出年轻, who added that bags and NaloxBoxes around campus are placed away from cameras or prying eyes. “我们确实试图做到真正的认知,她说。, “because we understand that the students who may be the most cautious or hesitant with engaging with these services are the ones who need them the most.” 

Due to the layers of anonymity, tallying the direct impacts of the program can be tricky. 有趣, students have told Schacht Center staff that harm reduction bags have helped them stop smoking, or that they distributed fentanyl test strips among friends before heading out to a party. Requested bags are occasionally abandoned on the first floor table, 但杨说,大多数人都被选中了. 

当谈到自我伤害的成功时, Young is quick to credit the contributions of her fellow CHOs and the support of Schacht staff. 到底是谁发起了这个项目, 事实上, 是沙赫特中心一场善意辩论的主题, 当桑尼·温多斯基20岁的时候, 一位健康教育工作者和杨的导师, pops into the intern room looking for binder tape and discovers Young working on the bags. 

“我认为这是个好主意. 是凯琳想出来的——”他们开始说. 


温多斯基纠正道:“在某个时候,它发生了。. “I really wish something like this had existed when I was a student. 这为那些意识到自己需要帮助的人提供了一个选择, recognize they want to change—and have the autonomy to change in a way that they want to.”