
The 司法常务官办公室 maintains the permanent academic records for students enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs, excluding the 社会工作学校.

Family Educational Rights and 隐私 Act of 1974

根据1974年的《澳门葡京博彩软件》, 澳门葡京博彩软件 will not release a student's transcript to a third party (including parents) without the prior written consent of the student. 有关更多信息,请参见 记录隐私/FERPA.





全国学生信息交流中心 Transcript Ordering:

澳门葡京博彩软件与国家学生信息中心(NSC)合作,提供安全, 符合ferpa的在线订购和交付电子(PDF)和硬拷贝(纸质)成绩单. Electronic and hard copy 成绩单 may be ordered online through the 全国学生信息交流中心 24 hours a day, 一周7天. This transcript service is available only to current students and to students who attended or who entered Smith in September 1991 or later AND who graduated in 1995 or later.


  • Electronic (PDF) 成绩单: $2.90 for partner schools in the NSC exchange network; $3.所有其他收件人为90.
  • Hard copy (paper) 成绩单: Free when sent via first class mail. Fees apply for express mailing options based on service selected.

Your card will only be charged after your order has been completed. 订单更新可通过短信和电子邮件,您也可以在线跟踪您的订单.



  • Orders are typically processed within 24-48 hours. Longer processing times may occur during holiday breaks.

全国学生信息交流中心 Transcript Ordering:

澳门葡京博彩软件与国家学生信息中心(NSC)合作,提供安全, 符合ferpa的在线订购和交付电子(PDF)和硬拷贝(纸质)成绩单. Electronic and hard copy 成绩单 may be ordered online through the 全国学生信息交流中心 24 hours a day, 一周7天. This transcript service is available only to current students and to students who attended or who entered Smith in September 1991 or later AND who graduated in 1995 or later.


  • Electronic (PDF) 成绩单: $2.90 for partner schools in the NSC exchange network; $3.所有其他收件人为90.
  • Hard copy (paper) 成绩单: Free when sent via first class mail. Fees apply for express mailing options based on service selected.

Your card will only be charged after your order has been completed. 订单更新可通过短信和电子邮件,您也可以在线跟踪您的订单.



  • Orders are typically processed within 24-48 hours. Longer processing times may occur during holiday breaks.

填写PDF成绩单申请表或下载并打印表格. Fill out the form completely, sign it and submit it by email to registrar@澳门葡京博彩软件.edu. 表格必须签名,因为没有签名将无法处理(不接受打印的姓名作为签名).

如果您想要快速邮寄或运输,请将预付的UPS或联邦快递标签发送至 registrar@澳门葡京博彩软件.edu otherwise 成绩单 are sent via first-class mail.

1995年以前入学或毕业的学生不能使用电子成绩单. Transcript requests are normally processed in 2-4 business days. Longer processing times may occur during busy times of the year (especially the beginning and end of the academic terms) and during holiday breaks.


成绩单请求将在收到后的两到四个工作日内处理. 在繁忙时期(开始) & 学期结束, 登记, (假期)成绩单可能需要10个工作日来处理, in addition to mail transport time. We assume no responsibility for 成绩单 not requested in time or incomplete requests that cause processing delays.

根据 Family Education Rights and 隐私 Act of 1974,成绩单未经学生同意和签名不得公布. Because federal law requires that we obtain your signature, 电话和电子邮件成绩单要求(没有签名)不被接受. The registrar’s office does not issue partial or incomplete 成绩单. 相应的, 成绩单 for currently enrolled students will not be processed at the end of a semester until all grades have been received and posted, gpa重新计算.


The registrar's office does not issue unofficial 成绩单.


The 社会工作学校 maintains all records for M.S.W. 和Ph值.D. social work students and graduates. For more information, please visit the 社会工作学校网站.


Current students who have a social 证券交易委员会urity number can obtain their enrollment verification from the 全国学生信息交流中心 (NSC):

  1. 进入传送门.澳门葡京博彩软件.edu
  2. 选择“我的学生信息”选项卡
  3. Under "Student Records" select 注册验证 Request
  4. 按照NSC网站上的说明保存或打印您的注册验证

对于没有社会安全号码或有特定表格需要填写的学生, 请电子邮件 registrar@澳门葡京博彩软件.edu

需要核实注册和学位的外部机构可以通过 全国学生信息交流中心.

电子邮件: degreeverify@studentclearinghouse.org



澳门葡京博彩软件很自豪地支持那些响应号召为国家服务的学生和家庭. Our offices of the 注册商 and Student Financial 服务 work closely together to assist students in receiving VA educational benefits. 如果您有资格获得VA教育福利,请填写以下表格. If you have additional questions, you may email us at: registrar@澳门葡京博彩软件.edu


The only copy of the diploma that exists is the original document that is distributed to the student at Commencement. 如原文凭遗失或毁坏,可申请补发.

要订购替换文凭,请提出要求,包括以下信息. Please note that replacement diplomas are nearly identical to the original diploma except that they are signed by the current president of the college.

Please include the following information in your request:

  1.  出席时的姓名
  2.  Name* as it should appear on the diploma
  3.  毕业年份
  4.  Telephone number and/or email address where you can be reached
  5.  The address to which the diploma should be mailed
  6.  签名

Enclose a check or money order for $50 payable to 澳门葡京博彩软件. 请允许6-8周的交货时间,从我们收到请求和检查. If you have any questions, email the 注册商’s Office at registrar@澳门葡京博彩软件.edu


New Diplomas for Trans and Nonbinary Alum Name Changes

The Office for 公平与包容 covers the fee for new diplomas for trans or nonbinary alums who have had name changes.

Before requesting a new diploma, please contact Smithie records 澳门葡京博彩软件ierecords@澳门葡京博彩软件.edu to change your name in the Smith database.

要订购您的新文凭,请提出要求,包括以下信息. PDF或Word文档可以作为物理或电子签名附加在电子邮件中.

Please note that new diplomas are nearly identical to the original diploma except that they are signed by the current president of the college.

Please include the following information in your request:

  1. 出席时的姓名
  2. Names as it should appear on the diploma
  3. 毕业年份
  4. Telephone number and/or email address where you can reached
  5. The address to which the diploma should be mailed
  6. 签名 (must be your actual signature, not just typed text)

请允许6-8周交货,从我们收到请求的时间. If you have any questions, email the 注册商’s Office at registrar@澳门葡京博彩软件.edu


文凭的官方翻译从拉丁语到英语可以通过联系获得 registrar@澳门葡京博彩软件.edu

Translation of the Diploma from Latin


如果你正在提交成绩单,以报告在美国学习的其他地方获得的学分, be sure that you have submitted a transfer credit application form.

北安普顿MA 01063


We accept 成绩单 in unopened, sealed envelopes or sent by 证券交易委员会ure electronic transcript providers. Hand delivered 成绩单 are not accepted if opened.

成绩单 for credit earned abroad should be sent to the Office for International Study.


Smith is the school of record for your Five College courses, 你的五门大学课程和成绩会出现在你的澳门葡京博彩软件成绩单上. 成绩单 are not provided by the other schools for coursework done there as part of the 五所学院交换.


The registrar's offfice provides notarization for Smith documents for current students and alums (verification letters, 成绩单, 和文凭). 请电子邮件 registrar@澳门葡京博彩软件.edu 了解更多信息.


国外的雇主和学校可能会要求澳门葡京博彩软件的文凭加盖. The orignial diploma must be sent to the registrar's office to be copied and notarized before being send to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for apostille. If the diploma is lost a replacement diploma must be ordered, the registrar's office does not keep copies of diplomas. 

To have the diploma apostilled there are several steps.

1)完成 这种形式 and send it to the registrar's office with the other items. 

2) Send the original diploma (just the paper, not the black cover)

3)给马萨诸塞州联邦寄一张18美元的支票(这是毕业证书的费用), 翻译, and attest letter of the degree). If more than one copy of the documents are needed, 请让我们知道这将改变费用或如果成绩单需要加签. 

4)寄一个预付的UPS或联邦快递信封,让联邦把文件寄回给你. We use the western office in Springfield, MA 

Once we have the check and the pre-paid envelope we will notarize the documents and then send them on the Commonwealth. For those living outside of the US, a check or money order can be sent by someone in the US on your behalf. 英联邦将通过预付信封发送经签名的文件. The registrar's office will mail the original diploma back separately.

Because of exceptional international circumstances (COVID-19) that affected the latter half of the spring 2020 semester and necessitated a change to remote instruction, 澳门葡京博彩软件要求将所有课程转换为满意/不满意(S/U)等级. 决定在2020年春季学期采用强制性满意/不满意(S/U)评分 was 由学术优先委员会制定,并得到澳门葡京博彩软件全体教员的认可.


决定在2020年春季学期采用强制性满意/不满意(S/U)评分, 由学术优先委员会制定,并得到澳门葡京博彩软件全体教员的认可, was grounded in concerns about both equity and pedagogy. 我们预料到大多数学生离开校园后都会面临挑战. Mandatory S/U grading was intended to allow students to continue to make progress toward their degrees despite the disruption to the semester, 不用担心远程学习对他们的平均绩点(gpa)的影响. The change also acknowledged the challenges faced by faculty when assessing student performance in courses that may have been transformed significantly as instruction changed from in-person to remote.

Smith’s decision to set aside traditional letter grades during this unprecedented time is consistent with that of many of our peer schools and a host of other institutions. In response, some graduate programs (e.g., Harvard Medical School) have already indicated that they will accept applicants’ pass/fail (or S/U) grades for the spring 2020 semester as long as the policy was mandatory. We are therefore including notation on the front of the Smith transcript that the institution mandated S/U grading for the spring semester. 这项政策适用于被定义为机构的课程作业,通常会计入学生的GPA, including courses taken by students at 澳门葡京博彩软件, through the Five College interchange, 以及澳门葡京博彩软件海外项目. 它不适用于通过非澳门葡京博彩软件留学项目完成的课程, with grades issued by an external institution or provider, as this is accepted as transfer credit (i.e.(不是机构学分),并且已经被排除在学生的GPA之外.

To support our students in their endeavors beyond Smith, the Committee on Academic Priorities agreed to disclose the letter grades submitted by instructors for purposes of application for graduate or professional programs, 执照或证书, 或就业, when required as a condition for application or acceptance. 请参阅以下有关发布字母等级的其他信息和条件.

另外, the Committee on Academic Priorities intentionally and explicitly determined that no alternate GPA would be calculated. Calculating an official term and/or cumulative GPA, 无论是在正式成绩单上,还是在带有大学印章的单独信件上, would undermine the principle that the disruption of the spring 2020 semester should not have an adverse effect on students’ GPAs. It would privilege students who were able to focus on their course work and disadvantage students who may not have been able to maintain the quality of their academic work for reasons beyond their control.

正如教务长兼院长迈克尔·瑟斯顿(Michael Thurston)在3月12日宣布该政策的电子邮件中所说的那样, “I understand that this will be disappointing for some. This unusual moment requires that we take unusual steps.“因此, no exceptions will be made to the policy, 学术优先委员会和行政委员会都不会审查与之有关的请愿书.

Additional Information and Conditions

  • 学生 must submit a signed request for a letter of spring 2020 grades, which is required legally for the release of confidential information.
  • The letter will provide a listing of all courses for which the student received grades in the spring 2020 semester; a student may not request to have only a subset of graded courses disclosed.
  • Official letters will be sent to approved third parties only (educational institutions, licensing/certifying agencies, employers). 学生必须提供完整的机构或商业通讯地址, including the name and title of the intended recipient. Please note that letters will not be emailed.
  • 学生可以要求一封随附正式成绩单的信件, with the understanding that it may increase transcript processing time. 信件不能包括通过国家学生信息中心要求的电子成绩单, 然而.
  • 学生 will receive an unofficial copy the first time a letter is sent to a third party but will not receive a copy for each instance a is letter sent. Please note that letters will not be emailed.
  • 学生应该留出至少两周的处理时间,加上额外的邮寄时间.
  • 书记官长办公室无权对上述要求作出例外规定.

Spring 2020 Letter Request for Graduate Schools & 雇主