


The 新闻浓度 enables students to develop journalistic skills as well as attend to their role as public 写rs in their field(s) of study. Through interdisciplinary intellectual inquiry inside the classroom and practical internship experiences, you will explore the fundamental role of high-quality journalism: writing for the public that leverages in-depth research and 报告age, 清醒的分析, 包括不同的观点. 你将建立一个作品集, 学习仔细阅读, 有效地采访消息来源, 准确合成信息, 并清晰而优雅地表达出来.


新闻学专业每学年最多招收15名学生. 学生可以在宣布专业后申请. 鼓励二年级学生,三年级学生和Ada Comstock澳门葡京博彩软件申请. 学生的选择是基于学习成绩的, 意向性和承诺, 以及群体的多样性. Priority is given to students who have already completed the gateway course and one relevant elective. Journalism concentrators design their path in consultation with their adviser, choosing courses relevant to the journalistic practice that most suits their interests or needs—from general assignment 报告 to photojournalism to public writing from within a scholarly discipline.


作为新闻专业的入门课程, 本课程向学生介绍新闻作为一种职业. 它以个人为视角来审视这个领域. 这门课程涵盖了该专业的基础知识, 比如新闻业在民主制度中的作用, 故事的生命周期(故事开始的地方), 如何发展?, 以及对一个故事的剖析(什么算新闻故事), 新闻故事是如何构建的). 除了, 该课程邀请在职记者担任客座讲师, 使学生能够阅读, hear and discuss journalism from representative contemporary areas of the journalism enterprise.

在这个智力严谨的写作课上, 学生们学习如何制作引人入胜的“真实故事”,使用记者的工具. 他们的研究, 报告, 写, 修改, source, 分享他们的工作成果, 通过采访对象的第一手资料, 了解别人如何看待这个世界. We consider multiple styles and mediums of journalism, including digital storytelling.

This course deepens students’ capacity by familiarizing them with journalistic methods, 包括面试, 报告, 写作和结构, 视听模式, 道德方面的考虑.


澳门葡京博彩软件, a wide variety of courses engage meaningfully with public-facing writing, 公共话语, 和媒体. 这些选修课大致分为四大支柱:

  • 写作/Practice Focus: Explicitly engage with public-facing writing and practice through substantive assignments such as articles, 播客, 照片/视频, 或电影;
  • Media Literacy Focus: Critically examine media presence, practice and impact in society;
  • Quantitative Focus: Provide grounding in quantitative methods useful for journalistic practice, 包括统计数据, 数据分析和可视化, and data journalism; and
  • Transnational Focus: Explore any of the above in an international context.


  • AMS 351/ENG 384研讨会:美国社会写作主题
  • 公众眼中的科学
  • IDP 107数字媒体素养
  • eng135创意非小说写作导论
  • ENG 290制作创意非小说
  • FMS 280视频制作入门
  • 关于音乐的写作
  • NSC 316研讨会:公众眼中的神经科学
  • SDS 236数据新闻
  • All Calderwood seminars (300 level) and very often ENG 291 (Lakes 写作 Workshop).


实习是新闻专业的一个重要组成部分. 学生 complete two internships that enable each student to acquire practical, first-hand knowledge of the professional work of journalism and public writing. 学生 are responsible for researching and securing appropriate internships from a wide array of available local, 区域, national and international internships identified in cooperation with the concentration advisers.

Each internship or practical experience must be approved by the student’s concentration adviser, 至少有100小时的工作记录, 并接受主管的评估.

新闻实习, 媒体和公共写作的关注点各不相同, 内容与竞争力. 

顶石研讨会 & 项目

The capstone gives students the opportunity to put methodology into practice in an extended self-directed but faculty-guided project.



学生 who have been accepted into the concentration and received their adviser’s name need to fill out the


After discussing the proposed practical experience with their advisers, students need to fill out the corresponding practical experience approval form in order to have the experience count towards the concentration requirements:

  • 暑期实习(100学时以上)→ 实习学分申请
    All students undertaking a summer internship of at least 100 hours are eligible to receive academic credit (0.每个经验值25个学分)将出现在他们的成绩单上. 我们鼓励所有有资格申请实习学分的学生. 申请Praxis资助的学生不需要填写此表格, 并应使用下面的“实践与信用”表格.
  • 无薪暑期实习(220小时及以上)→ 信用申请实务
    All Smith students are eligible to receive a stipend payment for one normally unpaid internship through the Praxis program at the Lazarus Center. These internships must take place during the summer, and must comprise at least 220 working hours. 学生 in Concentrations are eligible to apply for Praxis a second time– Praxis Plus. 在申请实习时, the applicant must specify if the internship counts towards a concentration and should fill out the “Praxis with Credit” application.
  • 其他实习和实践经历
    学生 whose internships do not meet the above requirements because they take place during Interterm, 在学年期间, 或者其他原因, 应该填写以下表格吗.
    实习开始前,请先填写 → 实践经验批准表格.
    实习经验完成后,请填写 实践经验填写表格.
  • 可追溯的经验积分
    学生 who completed a practical experience relevant to the concentration prior to being accepted into the cohort should discuss the experience with their concentration adviser as soon as possible. 一旦体验被批准,学生必须填写  实践经验填写表格 并勾选表单上的“回溯体验”复选框.


学生 are required to submit a completed Concentration Advising Checklist at the start of their final semester. This form documents the completed components of the concentration requirements, 并且必须由学生的注意力指导老师签名. 填妥的表格须送交注册主任办事处(registrar@yann-mathieux.com)和行政协调人(concentrations@yann-mathieux.com).


组织 & 资源


The Lazarus Center is a key partner in connecting students to opportunities and has compiled lists of previous student internships. Past Praxis student internship 报告s compiled by the Lazarus Center for journalism, publishing or media completed by Smith students from 2015–20 are compiled in the following:

The following external sites compile journalism internships and provide search tips and guidance:


澳门葡京博彩软件的 国际项目 同时为学生提供实习机会. 学生 should discuss past journalism internships and current opportunities with their study abroad advisers. 澳门葡京博彩软件在日内瓦的留学项目, 弗洛伦斯, Paris and Hamburg have indicated the possibility of integrating journalism internships with their programs.


You may apply to the 新闻浓度 using the following link to the electronic application form. 2023年春季申请截止日期是 2023年3月10日.







北安普顿,MA 01063

导演: 指甲Moreira


Veeka Trofimova


写作 & 公共话语


Smith is undergoing a transformation in how we teach students to 写, 以公共话语为中心. 在澳门葡京博彩软件的课程中, 学科, 节目和活动, 学生们不仅有机会在课堂上练习写作, they also get a chance to put their ideas into action and make a difference in the world.
学习更多关于写作的知识 & 澳门葡京博彩软件的公共演讲